7986 South Datura Circle West
Littleton, CO 80120
(303) 683-3338
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Credit Risk Management

Defaults on loans can drain your company resources and drastically reduce its financial performance. Guyer Management Assistance can help stop the flow and get your profit margins back up.

Guyer offers concentrated experience in developing credit risk management predictive statistics—

  • Behavioral Scorecards
  • Static Pool Analysis
  • Risk Based pricing

for the lending industry. Our expertise in developing successful methodologies to accurately evaluate credit applications and portfolio performance has helped a variety of lenders throughout the country increase loan performance and maximize their returns.

Benefits derived from using scorecards, static pool analysis, and risk based pricing developed by Guyer include:

  • More accurate predictions of loan performance.
  • Increased buying efficiency through automated prescreening of applications.
  • Increased consistency in buying—allowing for accurate and meaningful static pool creation.
  • Alerts to credit underwriting of possible adverse selection from its dealers.
  • Virtually guaranteed return on investment based upon the integrated risk based pricing model.
  • Effective presentations to rating agencies and wrap insurance companies for securitizing portfolios.

To learn more about how we can enhance your credit risk management and improve your financial performance, call 303.683.3338.